Me and the FellowMen Philosophy

I am not the “founder” of FellowMen.  I am a member of FellowMen and a follower of its principles involving masculine intimacy.  There are many men who hold this particular point of view and this blog is an attempt to explain the various concepts and ideas behind the philosophy.

FellowMen is a philosophy of manhood.  It is an idea and perhaps, even a movement.  It is based on one man’s observation of men and particularly those men who seem to need or crave masculine intimacy with other men.  This intimacy is expressed among at various levels ranging from quiet togetherness to horse-playing to committed relationships.

Men who want to spend time with men find themselves at some point along this continuum and most don’t even realize why.  Posturing comes naturally to men and is even taught to men from even before they get out of the womb.  Before he is even born, a man hears the way men react with each other or the way his mom reacts to men.  The unborn man-child can feel the reaction of his mother to different men and most likely can sense the interactions of men around her.

A man seems to spend his life either growing in masculine intimacy or finding a way to experience it.  Fights on the playground with other boys, competing with other males in sports and games, or even vying for the attention of the opposite sex are all ways a man seeks masculine intimacy.  There is a much deeper psychology happening here that is better discussed in other venues.  The purpose of this writing is not to explain these subtle cues but to define the FellowMen philosophy of men seeking fulfilling relationships with other men.

The term “FellowMen” is a name given to the idea of masculine intimacy in the sense that it is defined in this writing.  There are other movements, ideas, groups, etc.  that deal with interactions among men.  This writer has researched many of them and has found them lacking.  There is everything out there from strip-joint “Gentlemen’s Clubs” to whacky, spiritually-charged religious experiences that claim to be the ultimate men’s experience.  Some of them get close to the point, others veer off on absolute nonsense, while others are very secretive and even hidden.